Well..January is now gone and February is upon us.  January was a good month for birding.  I finished the month with 53 birds, well above the 40 species I set as my goal for each month.  I also added two birds to my Life List, bringing me from 296 to 298 and leaving me two birds away from my goal of seeing my 300th Life Bird this year.  Both Life Birds on the month were  excellent birds, Long-tailed Duck and Barrow's Goldeneye, the first a very rare bird to be seen in Colorado, and the later a bird that is becoming more commonly seen in winter, though still an uncommon bird.  Brown Creeper, being my first bird of the month and year, was awesome.  It is one of my favorite birds and I get way excited every time I see one.  My short Standley Lake birding walk was fun,  as even though I didn't see a mega-load of species, I did see some very awesome birds and had a wonderful time.

I am looking forward to this months birding.  Being a leap year, we have an extra day to bird ! My dad and I are leading a bird walk at Two Ponds NWR in Arvada, CO on February 18th, from 7:30-8:30 in the morning.  I am super excited about this! I've also added another bird to the year list already this month, Prairie Falcon, bring me to 54 on the year and leaving me with 144 to my goal.  Thanks for everyone who has checked out my site, my YouTube channel and Facebook page, and for everyone who is loyally following me! 

Happy Birding to y'all in the month of February!
-Daniel- aka Bird Spy